
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Friday, August 10, 2018

matariki legend


On the 8th of august the Waitangi Raranga Mathaiko came to school to finish of our Matariki legend.
Whaea Kerry and Whaea Monich was the ones holding this Raranga Matahiko me and Jonas were
partners we made our legend up about Ranginui the sky father. A big star It was bright as a lighthouses
lights but that's not It we still had to make the scene and write the script.

We started of with writing our scene we had to use the characters In his case It was ranginui and the
giant star which would turn into the seven matariki stars. Our script was about the separation of
papatuanuku and ranginui that he started to not get noticed because of the bright shining star. So he
was devastated over how one star out of milions was taking all of the praize.

People who once noticed him doesn't notice him as a god they once new then he came up with an idea
of smashing the big star so every one would reconize. Him and would know It as a normal star again so
he picked It up and smashed It against the ground then It shattered into seven pieces. Then It started to
hover It hoverd up In to the sky they were even brighter then before than plants and crops started to
grow faster. Then the people named the seven shining stars the seven matariki stars.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Recount writing

WALT:  understand the correct structure for a recount.

Success criteria: My Structure will include a ...

- Title

- Orientation (who, what,  where.)

- A series of events in chronological order or sequence.

- A final evaluative comment.

In the holidays for the first week hokianga held the taniwha cup It was held at kaikohe
rugby fields. On sunday we went to go stay out In waima the marae was called
tuhirangi marae we stayed there for two days until it was monday. On monday we
went to kaikohe to get our team photos and then after taking photos with our team
we had some food then we went back to the marae and played games for hours.

Then the next day we went to the kaikohe fields for our first game first you had to way
In every day  you had to way under 57 kilos lucky. Most of our team was under If u
weighed over you were out for the game. Our first game was against the whangarei
bears everyone knows the whangarei teams are hard. We lost 10 to 21 then we
went back to the tuhirangi marae then we went into to the waima school pool to relax
but It was freezing then we just played around all day then when It was around six
a clock we had dinner and played spot light nearly every night then we went to bed
at tennis.

Then It was wednesday then we went back In to kaikohe for another game we had to
weigh  In again we were all under our whole team was under the weight limit. So we
went out to warm up we were versing mangonui after a half hour of warming up we
went to go verse mangonui they done a haka then we done a haka. After that we started
our game we got  thrashed but long after that they got a trie It was a trie after a trie
when the game finished we went back to tuhirangi marae. And repeated everything
over again then the next day we versed the bay of islands they were the champions
for three years. But we came closest to beating them they wear the hardest team we lost
but we done really good. We got two tries final score it was 10 to 51 after that we had
a feed and went back to the marae It was fun everyone celebrated even though we lost.
But we still had another two games so we still had to go to bed early.

Then came the morning I was so excited to verse the presidents because jonas sonny
and tyla rain was in the presidents I couldn't wait when we got to kaikohe. I quickly
weighed In and got changed then warmed up and then we on the field we played
hard but unfortunately we won.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

This is my speech draft

Why Does New Zealand Have To Pay Tax

Do you think that you should have to pay for other people who just want free money.
And could be lazy?

The first reason. Why tax isn't good? Did you know tax can be for people who are
inactive, shiftless and who can't be bothered to go find a job and just want quick and  
easy money simply gets paid $100 a week. What's the point of a $100 dollars a week
when you could get paid thousands or more. And over 30,0000 people live of tax

2nd reason. If you work for a legal job or business you are most likely to pay tax. tax
is something that you pay to support roads and security. The reason why I think tax is
not good because the better the job you have means more money that the government
takes so if you are successful in live and you have good paying job means they will take
more than other people so the more money you make the more money they take.

3rd reason. Why tax could be hard? For some guardians to get food clothes stationery
and other thing for their children. Because their money is short and then tax money
that gets taken out they could have use that for them or a family member.

Last but not least In the late 19th century in New Zealand around 500 Maori chiefs

and British people signed a treaty over in Waitangi. The treaty had tax on it  peoples
income in New Zealand was directly taxed only if they have earned more than $300
dollars which was around $50,000 in 2008 terms.
Ko Huruiki te maunga
Ko Whakapara te awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Whakapara te marae
Ko Ngatihau te hapu
Ko  Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Maryann toku mama
Ko wayne toku papa
Ko John ahau

This is my recount writing

28/6/2018 WALT organise and follow the structure of a recount
On Sunday in Kaikohe there was a game of rugby It was a preseason
game for the taniwha cup the teams were hokianga and the bay of

So  I kind of showed up late but only by 5 or 10 minutes something
like that. I came with my mum brother and my cousin when I showed
up bay of islands were already warming up so we had to get ready
fast I had to put on the hardest thing which were the rugby socks
then my boots I had to put the Hokianga jersey on our team  had
to run around the field and do stretches at each corner when we were
done doing our stretches we had to do some tackling drills then a
team run which involves our team doing our game plan

Then after we finished training or warming we went on to the
kaikohe rugby fields the bay of islands were waiting for as. Our
captain Sean John had to do paper scissors rock or something
like that to decide which side we were on or who's kicking  of so
we had to kick off but It's ok I don't really mind tyler tukaki and
I both tackled In a group the games didn't go In halves It went In
20 minute quarters

After the first quarter I hoped of because I smashed my nose so
I had to hope off  and then josh went on had to put water on my
nose and I think It was the 3rd quarter and kauri got knocked out
I think so they took him to the doctors

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

My Learning Goals For 2018 Term 2

My learning goals are to  be the best i can be at reading I am at
age 12 reading and Level 3 journal I am aiming to be able to read
at age 13 before term 3

My learning goals are to be the best I can be at maths I know
most of my multiplication I also no all of my basic facts and
I'm at stage 7 in math.

My learning goals for writing is to be at 4p but for know i am
at 3a and im almost at 4b and i got 61/100 on a spelling test which
is more than 50 percent so i mostly just need to work on my spelling.

My Pepeha Research

what being a good friend means


 I believe being a good friend means helping them and listing to them.

 Also being a grateful friend means not getting him or her into trouble.

 Don't lie to them. Stick up  for them then they should stick up for you.

Don’t yell at them if they do the wrong thing and don't steal off them just support him or her.

Being a good friend is also to respect one another always evolving them in so they don’t feel left out.

To be a good friend you can't just swear at them then just call them your good friend. You have to be thoughtful about their feelings and be delightful.
If you want to be able to call someone
 your good or best friend you mostly have to respect them and listen to them and included him or her.